Our Chapel Team led the pledges, The Lord's Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement to start this morning's...
Happenings at WCA
St. Patrick’s Day at Wesley – March 17, 2025
In recent years, St. Patrick's Day has taken place during the elementary division's March Break. This year, it falls...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: PK2 – March Break Adventures
March Break Adventures was a time filled with excitement, creativity, exploration, self expression and laughter for...
Today’s ELC Chapel – March 21, 2025
Our ELC chapel was led by the Toddler 1 class this morning. After the pledges, O Canada and The Lord's Prayer, the Toddler 1 class led the singing of three songs: "Sing High, Sing Low", "Hosanna" and "Who is the King of the Jungle?". The Toddlers were most...
Today’s Chapel Service – March 21, 2025
Our Chapel Team led the pledges, The Lord's Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement to start this morning's worship service. Afterwards, members of the Grade 2 classes went to the front to introduce this month's Care & Share event for Noah's Clubhouse. After...
St. Patrick’s Day at Wesley – March 17, 2025
In recent years, St. Patrick's Day has taken place during the elementary division's March Break. This year, it falls on the first day back so we decided to make it a fun day. When everyone arrived at school, they discovered it had been decorated with shamrocks....
Glimpse Into A Classroom: PK2 – March Break Adventures
March Break Adventures was a time filled with excitement, creativity, exploration, self expression and laughter for our Pre-K students! Teachers helped facilitate engaging experiences, leaving the children with memories to last a lifetime - from an up-close encounter...
Fun Friday – February 28, 2025
On Friday afternoon, elementary students had a chance to engage in some fun activities in their House Teams. Students went through four rotations - board games & cards, "Just Dance" in the gym, quiet paper based activities (Colouring, Word Search, Mad Libs, etc.)...
Today’s ELC Chapel Service – February 28, 2025
The Toddler 2 class led this morning's ELC chapel service. After the pledges, the entire Toddler 2 class went to the front to lead the singing of three songs - "God Made Me...Shine!", "God Made Me...I'm so Glad that God Made Me", and "Jesus Loves the Little Children"....
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Glimpse Into A Classroom: PK2 – March Break Adventures
March Break Adventures was a time filled with excitement, creativity, exploration, self expression and laughter for our Pre-K students! Teachers helped facilitate engaging experiences, leaving the children with memories to last a lifetime - from an up-close encounter...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: JK2 – Celebrating Black History: Afro-Caribbean Rhythm and Drumming
Our JK2 class embarked on an exciting journey into the world of rhythm! We first read the book, Max Found Two Sticks, by Brian Pinkney. It is the story of a boy who finds rhythm in the world around him using two sticks he found. Inspired by Max’s...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: Toddler 2 – Emotions and Self-Regulation
This week in the Toddler 2 classroom, we introduced the concept of emotions and self-regulation to the class. We chose to introduce this through play, reading books, gross motor and sensory activities. As a precursor, we had a group discussion about various emotions...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: Grade 3 – Trip to the Varley Art Gallery
Last Monday, January 27th, the grade three students had a blast exploring the Fred Varley Art Gallery. The classes had a lot of fun learning about the different art pieces on display, getting to be artists of their own, and thumb wrestling at lunch. We started the day...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: SK1 – Dendrochronology & Timelines
In our SK1 classroom, the students’ curiosity about wood structures led us into a fascinating exploration of trees and dendrochronology. What started with questions like, “Why do the branches have different sizes?” and “Did people draw rings inside the wood?” turned...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: Gr8 Art – Pointilism
The art program at Wesley for grade 7 and 8 students is based upon an exploration of art history, allowing students to examine how art has developed through time. They begin each new time period with an introduction to its key artists, art characteristics, and other...
Today’s ELC Chapel – March 21, 2025
Our ELC chapel was led by the Toddler 1 class this morning. After the pledges, O Canada and The Lord's Prayer, the Toddler 1 class led the singing of three songs: "Sing High, Sing Low", "Hosanna" and "Who is the King of the Jungle?". The Toddlers were most...
Today’s Chapel Service – March 21, 2025
Our Chapel Team led the pledges, The Lord's Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement to start this morning's worship service. Afterwards, members of the Grade 2 classes went to the front to introduce this month's Care & Share event for Noah's Clubhouse. After...
Today’s ELC Chapel Service – February 28, 2025
The Toddler 2 class led this morning's ELC chapel service. After the pledges, the entire Toddler 2 class went to the front to lead the singing of three songs - "God Made Me...Shine!", "God Made Me...I'm so Glad that God Made Me", and "Jesus Loves the Little Children"....
Today’s Chapel Service – February 28, 2025
As today is the day before our March Break, students were given the opportunity to wear casual clothes as an early bonus. Our Chapel Team opened this morning's elementary service with the pledges, Lord's Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement. This was followed...
Today’s ELC Chapel Service – February 21, 2025
In Today's ELC chapel service, the PK1 class led the pledges and worship. Students sang two very familiar songs - "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands". Then, Ms. Donkor shared the song "Hakuna Wakita Se Jesu" which translates...
Today’s Chapel Service – February 21, 2025
This morning, our Worship Team led the elementary chapel service, starting with the recitation of the pledges, The Lord's Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement. After reading Philippians 2:3, they led the singing of "Indescribable". Next, representatives from...
Fun Friday – February 28, 2025
On Friday afternoon, elementary students had a chance to engage in some fun activities in their House Teams. Students went through four rotations - board games & cards, "Just Dance" in the gym, quiet paper based activities (Colouring, Word Search, Mad Libs, etc.)...
Pink Shirt Day – February 27, 2025
Today is national Pink Shirt Day in Canada. It is a day to raise awareness about the prevention of bullying and to promote kindness. Bullying can take place anywhere – home, online, work and at school….even at Wesley. By asking our community to wear pink shirts today,...
Term 2 CRISP Celebration – February 25, 2025
This school year, the focus of our elementary division is to encourage students to display CRISP (Compassion, Respect, Integrity, Servant's Heart, Perseverance) behaviours. On Tuesday afternoon, we held our Term 2 CRISP Celebration to recognize students that displayed...
Cultural Day – February 18, 2025
Due to the untimely Snow Day last week, our Cultural Day event had to be rescheduled for today. Students and teachers came dressed in traditional attire that reflect their heritage. Those who did not have a special cultural garment to wear showed off their Canadian...
Celebrating Valentine’s Day – February 14, 2025
Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on the 14th of February all around the world. For many, it's a special time in the year when people show their affection and appreciation for special individuals in their lives. This is often demonstrated by sending cards,...
Reading Buddies Week – January 20-24, 2025
This year, we have been hosting our Reading Buddies sessions a little differently. Instead of the JK to Grade 8 students reading all together at the same time and date on a particular afternoon, Reading Buddies sessions have been scheduled at different times during a...
Grade 5 Care & Share for City Street Outreach – January 29, 2025
This month, for Care and Share, the Grade 5's decided to help City Street Outreach by collecting men and women mittens for the cold weather. On Thursday, January 30,the Grade 5's went to each classroom to collect all the mittens and recorded how many pairs of mittens...
Grade 8 Boys’ and Girls’ Field Trips To The Salvation Army
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.Matthew 5:16 This week, the Grade 8 boys and the Grade 8 Girls made two separate trips to the Salvation Army on Markham Road. It was a very...
CTV/Salvation Army/Toronto Area FORD Dealers’ Toy Mountain Visit & Broadcast
In October, our Grade 6 class organized our Care & Share event for Toy Mountain. Each month, one of our SK-Grade 8 classes picks a charity or organization to support with tangible hands-on help to share God's love and blessings with others. It has become a Wesley...
Update – November Care & Share – Operation Christmas Child
On Friday, October 18th, our SK1 class announced that our November Care & Share event would be for Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child. Wesley families were asked to fill empty shoe boxes with toys, school supplies and personal care items that would be...
Grade 6 Care & Share – Shopping for Toy Mountain
This morning, our Grade 6 students had the opportunity to walk over to Toys R' Us at Markville Mall, which opened an hour earlier to give our students exclusive shopping time. Using the donations collected from October’s Care & Share, our Grade 6 class was able...
September Care & Share for 105 Gibson Centre
At the end of each month, one class or grade at Wesley leads the effort to raise funds or collect items to help a charity in our local or global community. This event is called “Care & Share Day”. Different charities are chosen to represent diverse projects in...