We had a jammed packed chapel service this morning. It began with three of our Grade 5 students, who led the pledges, The Lord’s Prayer, O Canada, and the Land Acknowledgement. Our Chapel Leaders, Chapel Musicians, and the teachers then led the singing of our first song, an upbeat version of “Jesus Loves Me”.

After watching a short video about how CRISP leaders demonstrate compassion, the Chapel Leaders led the reading of Colossians 3:12. The leaders then read a few slides about what leaders who have compassion do or demonstrate.
Next, we had two Care & Share announcements. Representatives from the Grade 6 class then shared about their October Care & Share. They will be collecting cash donations on Thursday, October 31st, that will be used to buy toys in November at Toys R Us for families in need. Those purchases will then be donated to CTV/ Salvation Army’s Toy Mountain Campaign. Students that bring in loonies, toonies or more on Thursday, October 31st, and can wear casual attire on that day.

Representatives from the SK1 class shared that their November Care & Share event is for Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child. Students will be given a shoebox today that they can take home to fill with toys, school supplies, hygiene products and other items to give a child in need some Christmas joy and a chance to hear the Good News. Filled shoeboxes are due at school during the week of November 11th.
After the announcements, the chapel leaders led the audience in singing “Amazing Love” by Billy Foote. Next, the Wesley Chapel video that shares the thoughts of some our students about compassion was showed.
Our guest speaker was “Captain” (Jake Wilson) from Willow Springs Camp. He started by sharing that the word compassion comes from a Latin word that means “to suffer with someone”. Next, he shared a few stories about how he thought of compassion as a child – “you suffer over there and I’ll be doing my thing over here….I’ll pray for you and when things get better, we can be or do things together again.” However, that’s not how Jesus demonstrated compassion. Through various Bible passages and reading from a 1905 copy of “A Passion for Souls”, Captain explained that Jesus took in our suffering (Suffering Servant – Isaiah 53) and took the penalty for us. He wanted to be with us, and though that unity, he becomes part of our lives. Captain encouraged the students not be on the sidelines when we see others who are suffering. Instead, we should make an effort to be with them and let them see the love of Christ through our presence. He concluded in prayer, thanking God that He is always with us, and asking Him to help us show others His radical love.

After the message, the Chapel Team led the reading of an aspirational passage, which is the hope of being a CRISP leader.