Today, the JK1 class led the ELC chapel. Representatives led the pledges, O Canada and the Lord’s Prayer. More JK1 students led the singing of three energetic songs – “When I Look”, “High and Low” and “God is Good”.
Our guest speaker was Mrs. Taylor, a former long time ELC staff member who retired last year. She started her message by getting the students to sing the classic song, “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes”. Next, several JK1 students went to the front to recite their Bible verse from Psalm 139:14 – “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. Each of those students also carried pictures of a mouth, feet, ears, eyes and hands. Mrs. Taylor explained that we should use each of those body parts to praise and give thanks to God. She also taught the students a song which reminds us that we need to be careful about how to use our mouth (with what we say), our feet (with where we go), our ears (with what we hear), our eyes (with what we see), and our hands (with what we do). We should be doing things that honour and praise God, who is looking down with love at His children.
After the message, the students sang one more song – “Every Move I Make” with energy and actions.
Mrs. Taylor ended the service with a prayer of thanksgiving.