Our Crest
The Wesley Coat of Arms
Our Crest

The principle component of the Wesley Coat of Arms is the shield. However, a vibrant tree stands tall above the shield. This tree is a symbol of life, growth and strength. We believe that our students, as their character grows and develops, will bear fruit in our community.
The shield itself contains five symbols, each representing one of the five core values:
Open Book – Academic Excellence
Hand-in-hand – Social Connections
This symbol depicts a variety of relationships the student can have at Wesley. The smaller hand within the larger hand indicates that social growth comes by learning through example and interaction with each other, teachers, parents, and with God.
Moon – Emotional Strength
This is the literary and international symbol for emotion and emotive response. We want to help our students achieve a sense of belonging and self-worth as they grow into people who can give back to the world around them.
Bread – Physical Development
The loaf of bread represents physical well-being and health.
Cross – Spiritual Development
This symbol is central to the image and divides the shield into the four areas of individual growth and development—academic, social, emotional and physical. The cross touches each area as a representation that spiritual life exerts influence on all facets of human growth and development.
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” - John Wesley