Our Senior Band has begun rehearsals in preparation for the Spring Concert in June, as well as perhaps a couple other performance opportunities later on this school year. This is our third year of...
All Posts by Miss Errington
Glimpse Into A Classroom: Gr8 Art – Pointilism
The art program at Wesley for grade 7 and 8 students is based upon an exploration of art history, allowing students to examine how art has developed through time. They begin each new time period...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: Gr. 6 Art – Still Life Drawings
One of the art programs that students are going through this year is learning about various art mediums, such as drawing, painting, mixed media, etc. Within the drawing unit, students dove...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: Gr. 5 – Principles of Art
The grade 5 students have begun their exploration of the principles of art in their visual arts classes this year. Their very first project was an introduction to the principles and also an...
Special Event – Upper Canada Chorus
On Saturday, June 1st, we had eight students participate in the Upper Canada Chorus’ performance of Magic of Disney - a concert of songs from various Disney movies. While three of our students are...
Glimpse Into A Classroom: Senior Band
We are doing a double feature this week with two different posts. Wesley is a busy place. Enjoy! This year, our Senior Band has had a lot of fun continuing to learn how to play as a large ensemble...