This month, for Care and Share, the Grade 5's decided to help City Street Outreach by collecting men and women mittens...
Category: Care and Share
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Below are all the posts from the Care and Share category.
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Grade 8 Boys’ and Girls’ Field Trips To The Salvation Army
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in...
CTV/Salvation Army/Toronto Area FORD Dealers’ Toy Mountain Visit & Broadcast
In October, our Grade 6 class organized our Care & Share event for Toy Mountain. Each month, one of our SK-Grade 8...
Update – November Care & Share – Operation Christmas Child
On Friday, October 18th, our SK1 class announced that our November Care & Share event would be for Samaritan's...
Grade 6 Care & Share – Shopping for Toy Mountain
This morning, our Grade 6 students had the opportunity to walk over to Toys R' Us at Markville Mall, which opened an...
September Care & Share for 105 Gibson Centre
At the end of each month, one class or grade at Wesley leads the effort to raise funds or collect items to help a...