In Grade 5 media literacy, students have been learning about the 5 Key Concepts of Media and the first key concept was: Media are constructions. In class, students discussed what it means when a piece of media is constructed. Many students shared that it takes time to create a piece of media. Others mentioned there are many steps included in the process such as brainstorming, editing, and planning.
Students had a chance to look at examples of different cereal box brands and think about what elements were included on each of the cereal boxes. Some elements that students mentioned that were on a cereal box were: a slogan, picture of the cereal, nutrition facts table, a mascot, and product claims.

Students then had a chance to develop their own cereal box by creating a name for their cereal brand and adding all the different elements we talked about in class. After designing their own cereal box, students presented their wonderful cereal boxes to the class by explaining all the different elements they included on their cereal box.

All the cereal boxes were exceptionally creative and well designed! Be sure to check out our Facebook page for a few more photos!