Today is national Pink Shirt Day in Canada. It is a day to raise awareness about the prevention of bullying and to promote kindness. Bullying can take place anywhere – home, online, work and at school….even at Wesley.

By asking our community to wear pink shirts today, we hope to encourage discussions to take place to help each other understand
- what is bullying
- the different types of bullying (e.g. physical, verbal, social/relational, cyber, etc.)
- what should be done if you are bullied
- what you should do if you see someone being bullied
This year, not only were students and staff wearing different shades of pink, we saw a great variety of messages on those shirts. Each promoting kindness and peace.

It is our hope that by creating awareness and encouraging one another to show God’s love and kindness to everyone, we are taking steps together to reduce and end bullying and to create a more loving world.
“We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19