This morning, our Worship Team led the elementary chapel service, starting with the recitation of the pledges, The Lord’s Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement. After reading Philippians 2:3, they led the singing of “Indescribable”.
Next, representatives from the Grade 7 classes shared that their upcoming Care & Share event on February 27th would be for the Centre of Dreams. This organization is a local neighbour that supports individuals with developmental challenges and provides a safe space for them to grow as individuals and a community. Our Grade 7 classes will be visiting the centre and helping with some activities after March Break. Funds collected on February 27th will be used to support The Centre for Dreams.

The Worship Team continued with another passage from Philippians (4:6) before leading the singing of “Every Move I Make” with all the actions.
This was followed with a spotlight on a compassionate leader, Elisabeth Elliot. The students watched a video about Elisabeth, whose husband had been a missionary in Ecuador. Tragically, he was killed by a remote indigenous tribe while trying to share the Gospel. With God’s grace, Elisabeth was able to forgive these people and eventually take her young daughter with her and live amongst them, leading them to Christ. Then, the students spent some time talking to their elbow buddies about they can show compassion to someone who has hurt them.

After the discussion, the Grade 2B class came forward to present their Bible Verse, taken from Colossian 3:12. Representatives did an amazing job, introducing the verse in a mini skit, before having the entire class recite it together. Additional representatives then explained concrete examples of how to demonstrate each of the attributes mentioned in the verse. Then, the class sang the song ” Put on Love (Colossians 3:12 & 14 – Seeds Kids Worship)”.

The Worship Team then continued with two more familiar and favourite songs – “Battle Belongs” and “Praise”. Students could be seen doing actions and raising their arms in worship.
The service was concluded with the recitation of our aspirational passage.