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Wesley Christian Academy - The Crest


Happenings at WCA

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Today’s Chapel Service – January 24, 2025

The Worship Team led this morning’s elementary chapel service. They opened the service with the pledges, O Canada, The Lord’s Prayer and the Land Acknowledgement. This was followed by the reading of John 15: 12-14. Next, the Grade 6-8 musicians and leaders led the singing of our first song, “The Desert Song”. As this was a familiar tune, the students filled the gym with praise, especially during the chorus where special emphasis was put on the words “Praise”, “Rejoice” and “Here”.

Next, the Worship Team led the reading about the actions of leaders with integrity. Then, they went through three different classroom scenarios. Each scenario had two different possible responses. For each of the three, students were asked to choose the one that demonstrated integrity.

Our second worship song was “Praise” (Brandon Lake – Elevation Worship), a powerful song with a strong beat. The students enjoyed singing this as seen in some of their enthusiasm with their actions.

Next, there was a video about CRISP Kids Questions. A video featuring various students sharing what integrity means to them was shown.

The last worship song was “The Butterfly Song” – a favourite with our primary students and a very familiar song with everyone in the gym.

Our guest speaker this morning was Pastor Phil, who’s message about integrity was told through the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. As he recounted the account from Genesis, he emphasized that Joseph found himself “at the bottom” twice and worked his way to the top. The first time was while he was a slave in Potiphar’s household. The second time was after he was sent to prison. However both times, despite the circumstances, he was honest and worked hard as if he was working for God directly. His actions reflected what was in his heart, and the way he carried himself did not go unnoticed by those around him. Pastor Phil challenged the students to think about their own lives and reminded them that while they think that no one may be watching at times, God always sees us. If that is the case, how would we work and carry ourselves in a way that pleases and shows honour to God ? Pastor Phil concluded in prayer, asking God to help us to be people with integrity.

To end the service, the Worship Team and the students recited our aspiration passage together.

About Mrs. Harper

Mrs. Harper is responsible for media and communications at Wesley. She loves capturing all the stories and pictures about what life is like at WCA. Wesley is truly our students' "home away from home", filled with wonderful learning experiences in a nurturing environment.
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“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” - John Wesley