Our Chapel Team led the pledges, The Lord’s Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement to start this morning’s worship service. Afterwards, members of the Grade 2 classes went to the front to introduce this month’s Care & Share event for Noah’s Clubhouse. After the students spoke, the founder of Noah’s Clubhouse, Brigitte Berneche, shared her story and talked about how the money that is raised helps families pay for important therapies that help their children learn to sit on their own, walk, and even speak. Ms. Berneche thanked our school for organizing Care & Share and encouraged students to tell others about Noah’s Clubhouse and donate if they can. Our Care & Share day will take place on Thursday, March 27th.

After the announcement, the Chapel Team led the singing of our first praise song – “From The Inside Out” by Joel Houston. This was followed with an introduction on today’s theme – integrity. The Chapel Team reviewed what leaders with integrity do, before introducing our Christian Leader Highlight on Eric Liddell. After watching a short video about Eric Liddell’s amazing story of his faith, the students were asked to discuss how Mr. Liddell demonstrated integrity and how they can make choices that reflect their faith and beliefs.

Three Grade 7 students then made an announcement about the “I Read so I SEA” competition. From now until the end of the year, there will be a class competition. Students will be awarded points for the number of books that they read. More points are allocated for non-fiction titles. The class with the greatest score / by the number of students in the class will win a prize!

Next, the Chapel Team led the audience in singing “Lord Reign in Me” by Brenton Brown.

Our guest speaker this morning was Pastor Jake Wilson, AKA “Captain”, from Willow Springs Camp. He opened by sharing some amusing stories about his youngest child, who is 1.5 years old. She is able to say “Yah” but waves her arm to block anything that she does not want or disagrees with. Captain used the importance of knowing opposites to lead into today’s message about integrity. He shared that when we know and focus our lives on Jesus, we can be bold, just like Paul. Sometimes, however, we can be swayed by what others think or how we perceive others will react. This happened to Peter, who knew that Jesus came to save everyone – including Gentiles. When some of his actions did not reflect this, Paul called him on it, and Peter acknowledged this and changed his actions (Acts 15). Captain’s message had two very important points:
- Integrity comes from having exclusive focus on Jesus;
- But, it takes all of us to have integrity together. We must remind each other, pick up others who have strayed, and be picked up when we have been humbled.
Before he ended his message, Captain concluded in prayer.
Lastly, our Chapel Team concluded the service with the recitation of our aspirational passage.