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Wesley Christian Academy - The Crest


Happenings at WCA

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Today’s Chapel Service – October 4, 2024

This morning, our elementary service was graced with our new chapel leader teams and chapel musicians. Three Grade 8 students led the pledges, The Lord’s Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement. Our first song was “Cry of My Heart” by Terry Butler.

Next, students watched a video about How do CRISP Leaders demonstrate a servant’s heart? This was followed by a reading led by the chapel leaders about how CRISP leaders with a servant’s heart behave.

Several Grade 4 students also gave a very exciting update about our recent Care & Share food drive for the 105 Gibson Centre. The Grade 4 class had challenged each of our 22 classes to bring at least 105 non-perishable items to support the food bank at the 105 Gibson Centre. Together, we collected 2851 items! This averages to 130 items per class! Praise God!

The Chapel Leaders then led the audience in singing “This Little Light of Mine” with all the actions.

Next, students watched a video entitled “CRISP Kid Questions – Topic of A Servant’s Heart”. It featured a variety of Wesley students sharing their thoughts about “What does it mean to have a servant’s heart?” and “Why do CRISP leaders need to have a servant’s heart?”

Our guest speaker today was Pastor Jeremiah from the Olive Branch Community Church. He started by reading from Mark 10:43-35 in which Jesus shares that those who want to be great must be a servant and whoever wants to be first, must be a slave to all. Pastor Jeremiah said that this would never be shared at a professional leadership conference because it’s not ideal or glamourous. However, as Christians, we strive to do this because Jesus is our greatest role model. He served others in big and small ways. It was not to get attention or rewards but to humbly and quietly show the love and care of God. Pastor Jeremiah explained that we need to have a servant’s heart to help others see the goodness of God. He share that we can do this by:

  1. Looking for ways to help others – can be organized events such as Care & Share for 105 Gibson or can be a simple smile, hug or kind word
  2. Doing things quietly for others without the expectation of being recognized or rewarded
  3. Praying for a heart like Jesus so that we can see others the way that God sees them

To end his message, Pastor Jeremiah asked everyone to close their eyes. Before praying, he asked anyone who felt they needed “extra push” to have a servant’s heart to raise their hands. He acknowledged those people and prayed, asking God to guard our hearts and to help us develop a servant’s heart just like His Son’s.

To reinforce today’s message, the Chapel Leaders led the singing of “Make Me a Servant” by Kelly Willard. This was followed by the reading of an aspirational passage, which is the hope of being a CRISP leader.

Before students were dismissed, there was one last video, which was to kick-off our annual Walk-a-thon fundraising period. Students watched a video starring Mr. Au, Mr. Pun and Mr. Bailey and learned about this year’s fundraising goals and dates. Ms. Hoover also shared details about a chance to win prizes for ever $50 raised.

About Mrs. Harper

Mrs. Harper is responsible for media and communications at Wesley. She loves capturing all the stories and pictures about what life is like at WCA. Wesley is truly our students' "home away from home", filled with wonderful learning experiences in a nurturing environment.
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“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” - John Wesley