This morning, we held our first chapel service of the new school year. Mrs. Vant Erve led the recitation of the pledges, the Lord’s Prayer, O Canada and the Land Acknowledgement. After a few words of welcome and reminders for the new school year, the teachers led the singing of the first song, “Here for You”.
This was followed by another showing of the upbeat “What are the traits of a CRISP leader?” video that was shown at the first day of school assembly. Mrs. V then read the corresponding memory verses associated with each trait while the students responded by reading how a leader with that characteristic behaves.
After the recap, four grade 4 students announced this month’s Care & Share event, which will take place on Wednesday September 25th. There will be a food drive for the 105 Gibson Centre and each CLASS will be challenged to bring at least 105 items for the food bank. We held a similar event last September in which we brought in 2386 items! Students can start bringing non-perishable items on Monday, September 23rd. Those who participate can wear casual clothes on Wednesday, September 25th.
Next, the teachers and three grade 8 students led the singing and actions of the next song, “Little by Little”, which is about being slowly transformed by Jesus to be more like Him. This was the perfect segue to today’s message, given by Pastor Jeremiah Vijey, from the Olive Branch Community Church.
With great enthusiasm for being at Wesley, Pastor Jeremiah introduced himself and shared that he was very excited for this year’s focus on being a CRISP leader. He asked students why it was important to have good character. After a few responses, he shared that character is what God looks at when He looks at us. God created each of us differently, each masterpieces in our own unique way. However, the common goal that God wants us to have is to strive to be like Jesus, who showed us with His own actions (e.g. Servant Heart – He washed the feet of His disciples/ He sacrificed Himself on the cross) and/ or by His teachings (e.g. Compassion – The Good Samaritan Parable). Pastor Jeremiah talked about each of the CRISP traits and then returned to his opening question about why character matters. He shared that true leaders are not necessarily the ones with “power” but those who follow God. We are the living examples of faith and representatives of Jesus, capable of making positive impact on others and helping them see the love of Christ, especially when we are CRISP leaders, doing things like the food drive for 105 Gibson. Pastor Jeremiah concluded by asking the students to stand up and pray with him. He not only prayed that God’s presence will glow at Wesley and that His work would be seen in their lives, but he prayed for all the chapel speakers that will be coming this school year so that His message could be poured into them and shared with the students to help them shine for Him.