On Friday, October 18th, our SK1 class announced that our November Care & Share event would be for Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child. Wesley families were asked to fill empty shoe boxes with toys, school supplies and personal care items that would be delivered (along with the Good News of Jesus) to boys or girls in need around the world.
After the announcement, the SK1 students delivered the collapsed red and green shoe boxes from Samaritan’s Purse to each classroom.
During the week of November 11th-15th, the filled shoeboxes started to arrive in each homeroom class. By November 20th, they were bagged in transparent bags and brought down to the gym, in preparation for pick up.
We were very blessed to be able to collect 384 boxes! Praise God for such an amazing, compassionate and generous Wesley community! May these boxes be a declaration to the children who receive them that God loves them and has enabled others around the world to be generous in His name. For many of these children, it would be the very first gift they have ever received.
Thank you.